
I'm a Star! ~ By Tucker

3:32 PM

I enjoy being a radio star!!
Hey - it's Tucker!  I have an adventure to tell you about!  It was so much fun, I think I might have found a new career to try in my retirement...

I got to be on the RADIO!

Omigosh - it was exciting.  See, there's this radio station in town - KZ106 - and one of their cool DJ's loves animals.  Miss Kelly decided she was going to start a segment called Kelly McCoy's Pet Project.  Her idea was to have us shelter doggies and kitties come and get interviewed on the radio and on the station's website to help us get adopted.  And she's a big fan of Uncle Chris helping us doggies.  I think Miss Kelly might have a little bit of a crush on me - and the feeling is mutual, I gotta bark.  Oh gosh, now I'm going to blush.

So guess who she asked to be on her very first episode?  Why, me - of course!

Unfortunately, I was away at Doggie Camp so I couldn't make it.  So another shelter dog named Killian went instead - and he got ADOPTED!  So I'm hoping this is my big chance.

Uncle Chris and I went to the radio station and we met with Miss Kelly and got all settled and stuff. And the station's photographer got her camera ready and took a couple of still shots while we were hanging out.

Do you think she got my good side?

That was a funny joke! But I probably shouldn't repeat it...

I had to see who was coming to the door... inquiring minds, ya know.

I've got my "Cute Meter" turned way up for the interview!

And then it was time for my interview.  I think it went pretty awesome, don't you?

And then we got to go in the studio where we did a live interview on air.  It was awesome!  Did anyone hear it?  Radio stations are fascinating - I got to see the control board, and the microphones, and I even got to see Miss Kelly "Hit the Post" as they say in the radio biz.

So that was my big adventure!  Fun, right?  Make sure to check out the episode this week - I can't wait to see which of my friends she has on!

And then came that big snowstorm.


What do foster dogs do when it's cold and snowy outside?

Yep, you guessed it...

We Cuddle!

I can't wait until I find my Forever Family to cuddle with!

Looookkk into my eyes...

Oh, yeah.  Roomie, Selma, found a comfy spot (on my darn bed!).

But we survived the snow and cold.

Do you keep looking at these updates and think - Gosh that boy Tucker is cute...?  Hmmm?

Then we should meet!  I'm all ready to be adopted - I even got a pawdicure last week.

All you need to do is just comment below and say "I want to meet Tucker!", or send me a message on the Foster Facebook Page, or contact the great people at www.heschatt.com.  I promise I don't take up much room on the sofa (cause I'd be all cuddled up with you!).

All right, I gotta run.  I'm a radio star now, so I'm always looking over my shoulder to be sure video isn't anywhere nearby!  (get it?  Ha!  I'm funny!)

Almost forgot - will you please help me find my Forever Family by hitting the SHARE button at the bottom of the post?  I know they are out there somewhere looking for me - you can help me find them!  Thanks!!

Love and Fancy Microphones,
~ Tucker

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