
We went to Doggie Camp!!!

1:55 PM

Ooooohhhh, sunshine on my paw-paws... I love it!
Hi Everyone!  It's Selma and Tucker here - and we wanted to tell you about our latest adventure...

We went to Doggie Camp!  Omigosh!!

What's doggie camp, you ask?  Well, it's this place where we go when UC has to go somewhere and we can't go with him.  He and Auntie Kate had to go away to a conference last week - so me and Tucker got in the truck and went to this cool place.  It was like a doggie resort!

Let's see - I (Selma) got to have an extra play session every day (along with my regular out to play and socialize times.  I love to play and be silly, so Uncle Chris thought this would be super fun for me.  And it was!

And Tucker got to do what he loves best - which is sleep all day.  And we had our own rooms with a doggie door so we could go outside to potty or just hang out.  It was pretty cool.

Want to see?  Here we are in our rooms.

 Here's Selma:

Here I am in my room!  Comfy bed, en suite bathroom and lounge area...
What else could a puppy ask for?
And here's Tucker:

Hey - whatcha doing out there?

Getting comfy...


And Big T about to cuddle up for a nap...

Time for a snooze.

And the staff at this Wolftever place is awesome - they are all really nice and take real good care of us.  They know we're shelter dogs, and I think we might get a little extra love because of it.  And while them cameras are a little creepy, it's nice for UC to be able to check in on us and make sure we're doing okay.

And then?  Uncle Chris came back and picked us up! 

Hey - I didn't know they had treats here!!  Yum!

And Tucker --

Good to see ya, UC - I'm headed for the truck!!
Oh, boy!  A CAR RIDE!!

And then we got back to UC's house and got lots of love and attention from him and Auntie Kate.  We hadn't seen either of them in days, so there was extra love all around!

Then it was relaxin' time.

There was hockey on TV... YAWN.

Tucker had fun at camp, but was glad to be back at UC's.

I was pretty glad to be back, too.

Layin' in the sun under the coffee table...

Right at Uncle Chris's feet.  Missed ya, UC.

And then it was time for night-nights...

Tucker already put himself to bed, but I just hung out here.

It was a really fun time at camp.  Wait, Tucker says everything but his nail trim...  Big thanks to the nice people over at Wolftever for taking such good care of us :0)

Both Tucker and I will have new separate updates later this week - so stay tuned!

And don't forget - if you'd like to meet either one of us to see if we might be a good match for your family?  Just give us a shout in the comments below, or send a message on the Foster Facebook Page, or contact the awesome people at www.heschatt.com!

One last thing... Could you please click on one of the share links under the post and share this with your friends?  It will help us find out Forever Families!!  Thanks a Paw Load!

Love and sleepy doggies after camp,
~ Selma & Tucker.

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