
Meet Nala!!

3:02 PM

Hi - I'm Nala!

Hi There! I'm Nala - it's nice to finally meet everyone!

I'm the latest Foster Doggie at Uncle Chris's house. I'm excited to be here for several reasons, but most of all because I get to meet all of you. I'll tell you more about myself in a minute, but first I think we should have more cute puppy pictures 😏.

Here I am being awesome and cute on my bed...

This bed is super comfy!

Uncle Chris says I'm pretty - what do you think?
And maybe a little silly with my favorite toys!

This toy is Great!

Silly Nala.

I got you, silly wubba toy!

Now, back to more info about me... Let's see - I'm a pretty girl approaching my very first Birthday. I absolutely LOVE toys! I like to play with them and roll around on them and snuggle with them at naptime. Toys are the best! I'm a little shy around new people - I like being around them, but I don't necessarily like being touched very much. I'm a little bit like a kitty cat in that way. 

Would you like to know why? I can explain.

You see, I came to the Humane Educational Society as a homeless puppy with my Mommy and my brother. I was really young still, but I never got any of the love and attention that most puppies get, so I'm just slow to warm up to people.

You can understand that, right?

Here are a couple of pictures of me learning to trust (be eating out of Auntie Kate's hand).

I'm not so sure about this.

But I know she loves me because she's feeding me. Food = Love.

If you think you'd like to meet me, just comment below - or contact Uncle Chris on his Facebook Page, or contact the nice people at the Humane Educational Society (www.heschatt.org).

Oh - and don't forget to click on the share buttons below! I need your help finding my Forever Family!!

Next time we can talk about all the great things I'm learning here at UC's house! It's a long list: house training, crate training, leash walking, and love sessions - just to name a few!

Love and a Shy Nose Bump,

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