
Meet Goodwin!

1:24 PM

Oh Boy, this is sure exciting! I'm Goodwin, and am I ever excited to meet you. 

I've got so much to tell you. But wait - first we need cutie pictures, right?

Hubba-Hubba, right ladies??

Since today's my first day at Uncle Chris's house, we're still kind of getting to know each other - but it's going good so far. I've gotten some treats for doing skills I already know and am trying to get comfortable in my new surroundings. I'd like to send a special shout out to my previous Foster Momma, Miss Jen, for doing such a good job with me! UC (Uncle Chris) says it's awesome to get a healthy, knowledgeable pupper as a foster. And that's me!

You want to know more? Sure thing - but more cutie pictures first!

First thing was to have a little quiet time in my crate with a Kong

A bit of peanut butter is the best!

My story? Well, I was part of a bad abuse case in Baltimore with four other dogs. It was pretty bad, I gotta woof. Like grab the Kleenex type of bad. Then we were rescued! And the super awesome people from Pitties & Purrs rescue group nursed me back to health and got me feeling much better and stuff. And now it's nowhere but forward and upward for this awesome pupper!

I'm about five years old, and am a solidly built medium dog. I like other dogs, but I'm not such a great fan of those cat things. I've only been here a few hours, but I've already figured out how to ask to go out to go potty - so it's pretty clear I'm potty trained. As soon as the crate door opened, I went right inside. I think that makes me crate trained as well!

I'm a pretty big fan of this chew bone thing, UC.

A big *Sigh* and I relaxed a little. New places can be a little stressful.

Okay, so that's me, Goodwin, with a quick introduction. I'm sure we'll have plenty of these little chats soon, right? But for right now I'm thinking I'll be spending some time with this chew bone and then maybe have a little nap. A pup's gotta keep their batteries charged, ya know!

Love and Nose Bumps,

PS. Here's a full-on "sploot" picture for you pittie peeps 😊

Gotta keep the fans happy!

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