
Goodwin's skills and learning new stuff

2:59 PM

 Hi again everybody! It's your old pal, Goodwin, here - and today I want to talk to you about all the great skills I have and learning new things as well!

My first skill? Well that would be love, of course. Isn't that what everyone is looking for? A sweet, loving doggie to pet and cuddle?

I just love scritches and love!

And that last picture brings up a good point - I'm an excellent sitter. Uncle Chris has been working with me on my obedience training. I already knew how to Sit, see?

I know Sit really good, UC...


Then there is Down. That wasn't hard to learn, I just stretch out from Sit and plop my belly on the floor. Check out this video at this link to see how talented I am at both Sit and Down! Pretty good, huh?

Obedience skills are so important because they help me understand my place in your home and family. When I earn my meals and treats by doing simple commands (Sit, Down, Stay, etc...), I'm attentive and understand that you're the boss - and that's something every doggie really needs to be comfortable.

Now, what else...

Potty training? Yep. We'll need to work on a good schedule for me to go potty when you adopt me. If I need to go potty outside of my schedule? Right now I just give UC a quick woof or two and we go out to pee quick. Also, I sleep through the night really good without having to get up and go potty.

Speaking of going outside, how about we talk about leash skills. I'm a bit of a leash puller - There, I said it, okay? Sheesh.
But old Uncle Chris is a sneaky bugger and he knows about tools he can try to keep me from pulling. He got me a nice harness that the leash hooks in front. Guess what? No more pulling. You can check out the video to see how loose the leash is when I walk with it. No pulling there (the leash is nice and loose and floppy).

What about fun stuff? I love to play with toys and fun puzzles. Chew toys are another favorite of mine. I have a couple of Nylabone-ish things I really like to gnaw and munch on. And UC has this cool toy called a Molecuball that has food in it that comes out when I chase it around. And the rope toy and that darned squeaky snake? They're just downright fantastic toys to play with.

How about a quick recap of my skills?
  • I'm a serious lovebug
  • I'm great at learning - already Sit, Down, and working on Stay
  • I'm potty trained and sleep through the night
  • I have good leash manners with my awesome harness (which comes with me)
  • I love to have fun with chew toys, puzzles, and tough toys.
Pretty good if I might say so myself! 

Hey, do you think you might be interested in becoming my forever family? You DO??? Well just head on over to the rescue group's website https://pittiesandpurrs.org/ and put in an application, silly! That would be just awesome 💖

And don't forget to follow UC on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ucfosteracademy/) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/UncleChrisFosterDogAcademy) so you can share me with your friends and family - that goes a LONG way to helping me get adopted. Thank you!!

Love and Nose Bumps,

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