
Goodwin's skills and learning new stuff

 Hi again everybody! It's your old pal, Goodwin, here - and today I want to talk to you about all the great skills I have and learning new things as well!My first skill? Well that would be love, of course. Isn't that what everyone is looking for? A sweet, loving doggie to pet and cuddle?I just love scritches and love!And that last picture...

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Meet Goodwin!

Oh Boy, this is sure exciting! I'm Goodwin, and am I ever excited to meet you. I've got so much to tell you. But wait - first we need cutie pictures, right?Hubba-Hubba, right ladies??Since today's my first day at Uncle Chris's house, we're still kind of getting to know each other - but it's going good so far. I've gotten some treats for doing...

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Letting Go - How to say goodbye to your foster dog

 The doorbell rings.You go open it and smile and invite this wonderful person into your home. Or maybe you're meeting the adopter at a rescue sponsored event or at the shelter. It doesn't really matter.Going Home!This person or family has made the fantastic choice to adopt a new pet for their family. And they've chosen your foster! Hurray! Woohoo! This is great!Right? Or...

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