
Tucker is HOME!

4:52 PM

Do you Remember??
Hi Everyone! It's me, Tucker - and boy have I got some awesome news!

Do you remember that picture above? I sure do. That was the day I got to come stay with Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate. Can you believe it's been SIX whole months already?

Okay, so I'm a little vertically challenged.
What's your point?
And now?

I'm ADOPTED!! My Forever Family found me!

Isn't that Cool? I have my very own "Gotcha Day" with a family :-)

I have doggie siblings to hang out with...

Pretty sweet.
And a super awesome new Mom & Dad.

And Kids! I get to hang out with kids! Kids who like to snuggle - Omigosh!!

This is so awesome!

We're going to be best pals!
And of course, I haven't lost my love for the ladies.

I might have meshed right in as part of the family, you think?

*Happy Sigh*
I want to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to all my friends at the Humane Educational Society in Chattanooga - All the volunteers and staff members who took care of me when I needed it most - love you!! And all my supporters on the Uncle Chris's Foster Dog Academy Facebook Page - thank you so much for sharing me and telling my story to everyone who would listen! And thanks to all the friends I've made along the way :-)

Most of all? Thanks to my Forever Family for seeing how much love I had to give!

And Hey - Don't pass up us older dogs just because of our age! I have so much to offer, and I'm super grateful that this is going to be the best part of my life.

Last thing: Thanks to Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate for taking me in when I needed a soft landing. Us fur-kids appreciate it. It's pretty cool to join a long list of other graduates from their house. Good Stuff.

And don't forget about Selma - She is a good dog, and ready for her Forever Family, too!
(and someone should probably save her from having to watch the Hockey Playoffs...)

Oh gosh - she's gotten even more silly since I got adopted!
One last thought before I go, okay?

Every shelter animal deserves a chance to go HOME.

HOME is the best place ever!!
Thank you again to everyone! Don't forget to click one of those Share buttons so everyone can read about my Gotcha Day!!

Love and Super Snuggles,

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