
I'm the Easter Bunny and Meeting a Special Boy - By Selma

6:48 PM

Hi again everyone! It's me, Selma, and boy have I got a fun update for you.

How was your Easter? Was it good?

Mine started out kind of slow, and not terribly exciting, but it sure changed for the better after that.

Do you like fun dogs? Everyone does, right?

Have I ever told you that I like to play? I love to play games and be silly! And I'm not shy about letting you know when it's play time for Selma. One of the silly things I do when I want to play his bounce up and down — I guess maybe I'm just a little bunny rabbit at heart.

Check out this video of me being the Easter Bunny and telling uncle Chris that it's time for him to play with me.

How much fun is that? My tail is wagging and I'm talking and jumping around like brindle striped rubber ball!

Did it work? Of course it worked! Uncle Chris put down that dumb phone thing of his and got down on the floor and played silly games with me. Then Tucker decided he wanted to come be a part of the fun, so he and I both played with Uncle Chris until it just became one big belly rub session. It was awesome!

Then it was time to hang out and maybe do some snoozing, so I parked my happy little self on Auntie Kate's new blankie. It's soft and makes me feel like we're almost kind of sorta touching (I'm such a cuddler...).

I call this sharing...

Auntie Kate gets some for her legs and feet, and I get some...

...to snuggle on.
Not to be outdone, sleepy-head Tucker decided that he would use her old blankie to nap on.

Tucker has napping down to a science!
Then it was time for our walk before the rain - remember the rain we had on Easter in the afternoon? We got out for a nice walk in the neighborhood right beforehand. And there was a picnic going on in the park! With two MoonBounce things - Omigosh - I wanted to go bounce in the moonbounce thing, but UC said I probably wasn't invited.

Then a super sweet thing happened!

A family was leaving the picnic all dressed in their Easter Sunday best - and one of their children, a little boy, saw my awesome Selma self and started running toward me! His Mom and siblings grabbed him, but he was intent on meeting me. So Uncle Chris and I wandered over and said hi to all of them. Mom explained that her little boy has a condition that makes it hard for him to deal with people sometimes (Autism), but he loves doggies! Well, lemme woof - I'm good with that. So he came over and said hello and petted me very gently. I was super patient and calm - and UC showed him how soft my ears were to touch and so he petted me there and on my silly noggin. He and I were instant friends! I'm so glad that I was able to be his special Easter friend, it really made me a happy pupper and I think it made him happy too!

I got to meet a couple other great kids on our way around the park. I loved it. Going for walks is almost as fun as playing catch with UC. And getting to meet kids while I'm out for a walk? WINNER!!! Sign this doggie up!

Can we play catch now?
I have so much fun playing - I bet you and I would have a great time playing!

Sooooo much fun!

 Then it was time to get a little rest and maybe hang out with my buddy, Tucker.

Tucker and I are pals.
That's what's new with me!

I'm available for adoption, you know... Think you might like to meet me? I'm so ready. I'm house trained, crate trained, know my basic obedience stuff, I'm good with kids, I love to play.

And I do a pretty darned good impression of the Easter Bunny.

What more do you want in a dog? Hmmmmmm?

If you'd like to meet me, just comment below, or just send Uncle Chris a message on the Foster Facebook Page, or contact the nice people at the Humane Educational Society at www.heschatt.com.

And don't forget to please click on the Share buttons below to help me find my Forever Family - Thank you!!

I can't wait to see you! And kiss you - I love to give silly Selma kisses!

Love and Kissy Face,

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