
A Little Help From My Friends!

Hi! You'll never believe what happened to me yesterday! Oh, right - it's me, your buddy Tucker... So Uncle Chris has been a long time follower of an internet doggie celebrity named Teddy the Spaz Man. Teddy is super silly and has these funny facial expressions - and he's a rescue dog just like all of us! Well, Teddy heard about my story...

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Selma's Story - From Sick, Injured Stray to Ready for Adoption!

Oh, Hey there! Selma here saying Hi! *Paw Wave* I'm so glad to see you again! My Foster Brother, Tucker, has been stealing the spotlight lately - so I haven't seen much of you unless we're pals on Facebook (hey - why aren't we pals on Facebook?). But I've got lots to tell. I was a pretty sad story when I you last...

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Now is the Time ~ By Tucker

Hi Everyone!! Hi Everyone! It's me, Tucker. How are ya? Do you know what time it is? Now is the time. Right now. It's time to find my Forever Family. You remember my story, right? See, I spent my whole life living in a home - but then my owner died. I was really sad. And they hadn't made any arrangements for me...

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