
Successful Surgery for Selma

Aww, man... The Cone is never good. Hi Everyone! Selma here with the latest news about your favorite girl. I had surgery on Monday to repair an old injury to my knee. I was picked up by HES as a stray, remember? Well, being a stray dog is tough business, and sometimes there have been bumps and bruises that just never healed right....

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Selma the TV Star

Hello again! Hi everyone - It's me, Selma! I was super excited to get an invitation this week... To be on TELEVISION!! So Excited to be going on TV... I was invited to be the pet guest of the week on Channel 3 WRCB here in Chattanooga! Me? Moi? This little country girl? Yep! So I got all dolled up (okay, I took...

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Tucker is HOME!

Do you Remember?? Hi Everyone! It's me, Tucker - and boy have I got some awesome news! Do you remember that picture above? I sure do. That was the day I got to come stay with Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate. Can you believe it's been SIX whole months already? Okay, so I'm a little vertically challenged. What's your point? And now? I'm...

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